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The Importance of a Baselayer

The Importance of a BaselayerA baselayer is the layer closest to your skin and it’s essential for keeping you warm and dry during cold weather and outdoor activities.baselayer baselayer It...
Tags: baselayer

The Baselayer - The Most Important Layer in Your Layering System

The Baselayer - The Most Important Layer in Your Layering SystemThe baselayer is arguably the most important layer in your clothing layering system, whether you’re hiking in an alpine forest...
Tags: baselayer

Choosing a Base Layer

Choosing a Base LayerA quality base layer, sometimes referred to as a foundation or primary layer forms the basis of your clothing layering system.baselayer They sit next to the skin...
Tags: baselayer

Choosing the Right Baselayer Fabric

Choosing the Right Baselayer FabricIf you spend a lot of time outdoors in cold climates then a baselayer will be one of the most important pieces of kit in your...
Tags: baselayer