What Is the Meaning of the Word Green?

The word green is associated with a number of environmental and societal trends that have been referred to as a “green economy.” A Green Economy focuses on rethinking development pathways and understanding natural capital as critical to economic and social progress. It is a global approach to reducing resource and energy intensity through the use of technology and policy changes that are based on ecological principles and values.

The term green is also used to describe environmentally friendly products, practices and lifestyles. These include conservation of resources such as water and energy, decreasing landfill waste and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. A green lifestyle can also include a more sustainable transportation system, which includes walking or riding a bicycle instead of driving, using public transit and carpooling. It can also include eating foods with less packaging and purchasing items made from recycled materials.

For many people, the color green evokes images of nature such as lush grass, trees and forests. It is commonly associated with prosperity and good health. In fact, it is the color most frequently used in European countries to represent good health. In the United States, it is a symbol of the environment, with organizations such as the Green Party and Greenpeace using the color in their names.

Green is the color between cyan and yellow on the visible light spectrum. It is emitted by plants and other organisms in order to make the chlorophyll in their leaves, stems or petals appear bright. Animals often use a green hue for camouflage by matching the colors of their environments. Some fish, reptiles and amphibians are colored by their surroundings, while other animals, such as birds or mammals, may have a green color due to the presence of porphyrin pigments in their feathers or feces.

People can have a variety of emotional responses to the color green, which vary by culture and personal experience. For example, some find the color to be calming while others may feel motivated by it. It is important to recognize that your reaction to a particular color can impact the way you act or speak.

Whether you are using the green term to refer to your environmentally conscious lifestyle, your organization's sustainability initiatives or new technologies, ERA EHS is here to help you get started on your path towards a green future! Contact us today to see how our software solutions can help you reduce the amount of energy, resources and waste your company consumes. We can help you automate and streamline the capture, consolidation, management, analysis and reporting of your ESG data to improve performance and minimize risk. We can help you achieve your zero manufacturing waste to landfill goals, increase recycling efficiencies and implement a continuous improvement mindset in all areas of operations. Let us be your green team!


Green is the new colour. Gear up and begin your flow with the new green journey.